Unit Tests helped rid of jQuery
I wrote some code during Xmas. Little but very important. I added Jest to running Unit Tests. That helped me to rid of jQuery. I learned again some DOM API methods which I forgot that exist.
Unit Tests
Running tests with Jest is very delightful. All you need to do is on Jest documentation website. Adding Jest was a very simple task to do. When all config was ready I wrote tests which tested existing features. Then I started another task…
Rid of jQuery
…which was rid of jQuery. One of the goals from the start of mine comeback to SimpleDebugger project was rid of jQuery. It is not reason that I don’t like jQuery. I want to SimpleDebugger to be independent.
With unit tests rid of dependence was easy. I always knew when I broke something and detected which feature works wrong and I fixed it.
Future of SimpleDebugger
Now I will need refactor code to ES6 and prepare some demo page.
I prepared Trello Board for this project.
On this board I will add ideas for some new features.
Things to do
- Demo site
- think about new features
- Setup use linter